Lyra7 Aerial Hoop basics that you NEED to know (lyra tutorial)aerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220267 It’s back to aerial basics time! These easy aerial hoop moves are so incredibly important, even if you’re no longer an aerial hoop …...
Flexibility15 Min Stretching: Total Body Flexibility and Warm Upaerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220349 Today’s workout is a 15-min full-body workout consists of entirely body-weight exercises that you can do anywhere without the …...
Aerial YogaAerial Hammock Basic – 10 Beginner Tricks | aerial practiceaerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220198 Welcome Aerial dancers, These 10 basic tricks are fundamentals I practiced as a beginner to get better in aerial dance. If you are …...
Aerial SilksBehind the scenes | Aerial Silks Trainingaerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220321 Little Mama’s(7) big drop....
LyraDorato Circus | Alisa Shehter | Aerial hoop | Minsk circus festival 2019aerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220471 Dorato Circus | Alisa Shehter | Aerial hoop | Minsk circus festival 2019....
Flexibility21 Dynamic Stretching Warm Up Exercisesaerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220254 21 Dynamic Stretching Warm Up Exercises There is a lot of debate about whether or not you should stretch before your workout....
Aerial Yoga10 Minute Aerial Yoga Beginner's Flowaerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220258 This Aerial Yoga Flow is perfect if you’re looking for a gentle all-body workout to start your day, or as a warm-up for a longer...
Aerial SilksOnce Upon a Dream – Aerial Silks Performanceaerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220325 This video was created for one of our students to show at her high school talent show (the auditorium isn’t equipped for rigging …...
LyraHow to choose an AERIAL HOOP (Lyra): what to look for when buying your First Hoopaerial_q2hts5August 11, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 11, 20220252 Want to buy your own aerial hoop but don’t know what to choose? Here are all the details on how to pick a lyra –...
FlexibilityStart Stretching Right! Follow my tips for safe and effective stretchingaerial_q2hts5August 10, 2022 by aerial_q2hts5August 10, 20220301 ...